Friday, September 7, 2012

J & L Adventure 6: Plastic tote bag!

Lindsey showed me this fun recycling project on Etsy, and we knew we had to try making it.

We each used around 16 plastic bags. This is what I came up with!

Here's the rundown:

  • I used a bigger hook - they used a K and I used a Q - so the stitches were much bigger (and the project certainly much faster). I also did single crochet rather than half double crochet.
  • Different color plarn leads to a different color bag. I like the look of mine!
  • Their handles come up off the bag, whereas mine are kind of built into the bag. I was worried that any kind of heavy object might cause the thin handles to stretch and warp, so I wanted it to be a little sturdier. To achieve this, about three rows from the top I skipped a few stitches and did a few chains in their place, then continued stitching. It effectively made a hole that is a good, sturdy handle.
  • My bag is a little smaller than theirs. I think they probably used 20-25 bags while I used around 16.

I don't know how I'll end up using this bag, but it sure is cute! I'm open to suggestions ;)


  1. Very clever. Did you cut the bags into strips first?

    1. Yes we did! That part probably took longer for me than crocheting the whole thing together, but we found that making the "plarn" was very therapeutic.
