Thursday, September 20, 2012

His & Hers Fish Paintings

I've been looking for more art to fill my office wall, and when I saw this idea on Pinterest, I thought it would be great to make my own!

I'd link you to the original DIY, but unfortunately I couldn't find a working link. Here is OP's blog.

The pin said to use Elmer's Glue or Puff Paint, but I wanted some extra dimension so I used hot glue. I also decided to use two of our favorite colors on each painting instead of one.

Here is what I made! I seem to have started a fish motif in my apartment, and I wanted to continue that with this project.

For Kenny, a narwhal in purple and blue. 

And for myself, a koi in red and orange.

I really love how these turned out! What do you think?


  1. These are fantastic, Jodie! And I learned my new thing for the day: Narwhals invented the shish kebob. Who knew?

    1. Thank you so much, Mom! Narwhals really are cool. :)
