Saturday, June 29, 2013

Being an American...

... in a foreign country gets me a lot of attention.

At a club, walking through a crowd to get fresh air:
Me: Excuse me.
Guy: Oh, you're an American!
Me: How could you tell?
Guy: You have an accent.
Me, with sass: No, you have an accent.

In Primark:
Me: Where can I go to try on these pants?
Clerk: You mean trousers?

At a Pret:
Me: I'd like some of those chips please.
Cashier: We don't have any chips.
Me, picking up a bag of potato chips: No, these chips.
Cashier: Oh, right, crisps.

How does this make me feel?

1 comment:

  1. You'll get the hang of the "lingo". Got to admit that I liked the pants one.
