Kenny and I are rock fans. We both love to play music; in high school we and some of our friends were in a band together; and our collection of concert tees is pretty admirable.
But, den-less as we are in our 1 bedroom apartment, we don't exactly have a solid place to jam. But we do have a quite spacious bedroom! So that's where we've stuffed all of our music gear.
Stuffed being the operative word - all of our guitars, a keyboard, drum sticks, mic stands, posters, flags, and so on have landed there without much care or thought. So the walls are pretty empty and the gear looks cluttered. Sigh.
The College Kid Budget usually doesn't have much room for more rock posters. But ... I do have a ton of concert tees hidden in my closet that I don't wear anymore...
Hmm, I wonder what I could do with that? Hang them on the walls in shadowboxes? That looks cool!
Yikes, shadowboxes are at least $10 apiece and I have a dozen shirts! But wait, this looks even cooler...
Command hooks for $18, wooden dowels for $4.40. That comes to... less than a couple of posters at a show, at least.
I'll take it!
This is so awesome. A whole wall's worth of decoration - with shirts that I own and love but no longer wear.
And the process of hanging them was really easy - I imagine that hanging them in shadow boxes would have been much more frustrating.
The music corner was easy to set up, too - once I figured out how to make it functional.
With the amps by the outlets and the microphones in place, it will be much easier to jam on a whim.
I love how this space is shaping up, but I feel like it still isn't complete.
Hmm... what will make this feel even better? Maybe a few rugs, new curtains, some fun lighting?
Tell me what you think in the comments!